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Tower Crane

• What is tower crane camera system?

TCS (tower crane camera system) are developed with a view to improving safety, efficiency and comfort for tower crane. The length, width and height of the building crane, together with its design and the position of the operator, can create large blind spots around the crane. From the cab, the operator often has poor visibility of the lifting hook and the load. Our 3D camera monitor system gives the operator the extra pair of eyes needed, regardless of the type of building crane and the operating conditions.

• Why you should choose this tower crane camera system?

30X optional Zoom Camera
Wireless charging
AHD Wireless solution
Magnet bracket Easy
Work faster and safer with cameras on tower crane

• What does crane tower camera system consist of?

Working at Heights
A 30X Zoom camera provides images of the working area and is fitted on the boom tip, it is positioned in such a way that it looks vertically downwards on to the top of the hook and the load, the monitor in the cabin ensures that the crane operator can continuously see the hook and load while hoisting. The Zoom camera can adjusts the image quality on the monitor extremely quickly if the surroundings change from short distance to long distance.
Built-in Safety
On the rear boom is becoming increasingly necessary on large building sites that have various types of cranes working together, the 7″ wireless monitor can be with extra rear camera, the operator is able to switch between both cameras.
High-End Technology
The Zoom camera is characterized by its high-end technology, with wireless charging system can easy get power working fast.
Zoom camera with Magnet bracket
Easy install on the hook and boom, no need drill a hole on the hook or boom.
The operator in the cabin does not always have optimal visibility of the crane’s hook and the load, Especially in the situations where he must lift the load over large buildings, machines or installations, Fortunately we are offering a solution and some relief to the operator with their eyes in the sky, the loadcam fitted to the tip of the telescopic boom, is looking straight down-wards on top of hook and the load, on the monitor in the crane cab, the operator receives at all times, clear image of the position of the hook, when necessary he can zoom in on the hook for a more detailed image, Everything is possible!

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